深圳市皇家物流有限公司(PFC EXPRESS)是国内第一批跨境电商物流企业, 我们一直致力于为中外跨境电商、进出口贸易和电商仓储等企业提供专业、高效的第三方物流服务。公司拥有40余种跨境物流解决方案,包括( 国际快递、邮政小包、国际专线、国际空运、国际海运、海外进口、出口退税、COD代收货款等),全面覆盖跨境电商物流、电商仓储服务、海淘进口、快件进口以及电商仓储运营和物流软件,能够满足不同跨境电商的客户需求。
皇家物流公司推出自主开发的物流信息化系统OMS、RWMS系统,满足了我们对电商卖家,从订单抓取到地址标签打印、订单返回、在线取件、在线财务核算等功能, 我们的自主开发的仓储系统,按照全球最领先的跨境电商平台亚马逊功能开发,满足我们客户产品建立、SKU打印、产品定制入库和多仓储管理模式!
Parcel From China (PFC Express) have created our services to provide you with the best end-to-end order fulfillment solutions available from China.
Focused on ecommerce sellers specific needs, we offer a variety of services that include; dedicated fulfillment center, fast and efficient multi-channel shipping options, Worldwide Amazon FBA Shipping Service, warehouse management system (WMS), a virtual address in China, customized branding and kitting as well as other tailored services.
We have developed our services and systems by working with clients in a number of markets over the last 11 years. We are specialists in delivering results for crowdfunding campaigns, Amazon and eBay sellers, Shopify store owners and other platform store owners.
We look forward to helping you grow and develop your business into the future.。