Cameroon Postal Services (CAMPOST).
Cameroon's public postal operator is Cameroon Postal Services (CAMPOST), a public
capital company whose sole shareholder is the State.
CAMPOST is the only operator which is obligated to provide the universal postal service in
It performs the public postal service missions conferred on it by the State, establishes and
operates the postal networks and services, and provides postal financial services within the
framework of the legislation and regulations in force.
Operators are authorized to provide their services in Cameroon's postal market, within the
framework of the laws and regulations in force in the Republic of Cameroon.
CAMPOST was established on 23 April 2004, in accordance with laws Nos. 99/002 of
7 April 1999 governing postal activity, and 99/016 of 22 December 1999 defining the general
status of public institutions and enterprises in the public and parapublic sector. 。