栢域斯浩航物流有限公司是 Francesco Parisi 集团的子公司,总部设在意大利的里雅斯特。
集团由 Francesco Parisi 先生 (1778-1813) 设立在里雅斯特,自 1807 年以来一直在中欧活动。集团主要从事货运代理、船务代理、港口运营以及海运和多式联运铁路终点站的基础设施管理。
第一个亚洲办事处于 2003 年在香港中国特别行政区成立栢域斯浩航发展迅速目前在亚洲拥有 27 个服务中心栢域斯浩航为客户提供全面的服务,涵盖物流和运输领域的所有必要环节。
Parisi Grand Smooth Logistics Ltd – PGS Logistics Ltd is a subsidiary of
the Francesco Parisi Group of Companies with its head office in Trieste,
The Group was established by Mr. Francesco Parisi (1778-1813) in
Trieste, and present in Central Europe since 1807. The Group is in
engaged in Freight Forwarding, Shipping Agency Service, Port Operating,
and Infrastructure Management for marine and intermodal rail terminal.
The first Asian office was founded in Hong Kong SAR,China 2003
PGS Logistics has expanded rapidly and operates now 27 service
centers across Asia.
PGS provides its customers with a comprehensive range of services
covering all essential segments in the field of logistics and transport.。