本公司成立于2003年.公司宗旨:以诚为本.服务为先!坚持走诚信经商.诚实做人的发展方向,为客户提供优惠合理的运价,来维护客户利益;以谋公司之长远发展!公司主营:国际快递 国际小包 电商物流等快递,空运,海运等业务,欢迎垂询!/Our company was established in 2003. Our purpose is to be honest and service first! Adhere to the development direction of conducting business with integrity and being an honest person, provide customers with preferential and reasonable freight rates to safeguard their interests; To seek the long-term development of the company! Our company's main business includes international express delivery, international small package e-commerce logistics, express delivery, air freight, sea freight, and other services. Welcome to inquire!