上海东擎速递有限公司(EC Express)是中国领先的拉美跨境电商物流服务商,与拉美及欧洲各国物流网络长期保持良好的合作,是国家邮政局官方认证的国际快递经营许可机构。
公司成立于 2009年,总部设在上海,并在北京、厦门、广州、深圳、香港等地设有分公司及分支机构,为跨境电商B2C和B2B企业提供巴西全链路物流服务、拉美专线小包、FBA头程、国际快递、海外仓储、一件代发等,为国货出海掘金提供全方位一站式物流解决方案。
EC Express was founded in 2009 and is a subsidiary under Globelink China Investment Co., Ltd. EC Express focuses on Latin-American cross-border e-commerce logistics solution covering exclusive route logistics, commercial express, postal parcels, FBA & FBM fulfillment, overseas warehousing, drop shipping, return service and other integrated logistics solutions.
EC Express has international express license authorized by the State Post Bureau, and maintained long-term cooperation with last mile service network, and launched strategic cooperation with Brazil Post & Chile Post, and global express providers. The key market focus of EC Express locates in the LATAM regions, constructing exclusive logistics route such as Brazil, Mexico, Chile, and America with a daily handling capacity of more than 500,000 parcels.。