
上海独秀国际货运代理有限公司是经营货运、空运代理的专业化服务公司。公司成立多年以来,凭借先进的管理理念和网络优势,以及多年来从事空海运和国际物流等方式的服务经验,在上海和其它地区的客户及同行业当中树立了良好的企业形象。并和多家知名国际物流公司保持良好的合作,并与国外多家货运公司建立了良好的合作关系。独秀国际全体员工本着为客户提供“诚信、快捷、专业、周到”的经营宗旨,在网点派送网络的基础上精益求精,和部分国家知名的国际物流公司合作,通过物流网络为广大客户提供专业、安全、快捷的国际物流代理服务,凭借丰富的经验而倍受客户的信赖. DuXiuExp . is a professional service company operating freight forwarding and air freight forwarding. Since the company was founded many years ago, with advanced management concepts and network advantages, as well as many years engaged in air and sea freight and international logistics and other modes of service experience in Shanghai and other areas of the customer and the industry to establish a good corporate image. And and a number of well-known international logistics companies to maintain good co-operation, and with a number of foreign freight forwarding companies to establish a good relationship of co-operation. Duxiu international staff in line with the spirit of providing customers with "honesty, speed, professionalism, thoughtful" business purposes, in the network delivery network on the basis of excellence, and part of the country's well-known international logistics companies, through the logistics network for the majority of customers to provide professional, safe and fast international logistics agency services, with rich experience and With rich experience, we are trusted by our customers.。
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